Pinning. It’s a disease.

I can’t help myself.

Hi, my name is Meegan  and I am a Pinterest addict.

I am sitting at the computer, fresh vanilla latte in hand, the washing machine is telling my I have 38 sweet, sweet minutes before it demands my attention.  So what do I do?  START PINNING!
Emails that have been staring at me for a few days?
They can wait.
Replying to text messages and Facebook?
PIN PIN PINNING…..!  My happy place 🙂

That (and catching up on Lost Girl) is all I really want to do for those few short 38 minutes.

It’s a disease, I tell you!

So what have I been pinning, I hear you ask?  Well, everything.  New dinner ideas, Thermomixing (is so a word.  I just added it to my dictionary, so it must be!) inspiration, things to help my three clowns with their homework and to keep the younger two occupied quietly while the biggest is still going on his school work, exercise tutorials, crafting things, inspiration for the house…  So much!!  Pinterest

You can follow my pinning adventures, there it a button up on this blog to come see what I’ve been pinning.
I also share a few things on the Harvey Circus Facebook page. If you don’t already, come follow me on FB!
Would love to see you there 🙂

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