School of the Dining Table

Today we started a new chapter of schooling for the Clowns.
Welcome to the School of the Dining Table!

We have a bit of a nomadic few months ahead of us and we decided that home schooling the Clowns would make travelling and exploring much more flexible and fluid for the whole family.

Let the day begin.  With some online testing!

After much research and deliberation, we have decided on using the curriculum and year guides created by the team at Complete Education Australia.  Making sure that the Clowns were staying in line with the Australian curriculum was a big part of our decision to utilise CEA’s resources.  While we are not classroom teachers by any means, we are very confident that we can stick pretty close to the CEA format and keep the Clowns moving forward successfully.

Desertion at the Dining Table… The Clowns all had a swim to break up the morning.

We have a couple of weeks to experiment with the new routine and structure while we are at home, but I think we will have a much better plan of how long we should be spending on certain areas for each child after that time.  I’m sure there will be a lot of random times the Clowns spend on school work (flight time, driving time, grabbing a table at a cafe with wi-fi…)  and there is a lot they can do online, which also means less luggage for us all!  As much as Marc and I aren’t super keen on loads of course work done on devices, it makes more sense while we are travelling to keep things as simple and light as possible.  The bonus is, they can access everything they need or we can print out enough weeks worth of curriculum for when we know we won’t have great internet access.  After today’s first run, I’m thinking I might print and bind four weeks of work together at a time, so we always have it handy.

I’m sure there will be many, many things we change throughout this learning adventure, and as long as we cover the work required, we’ll all be doing great!

Also, Google and Pinterest are my new favourite things…!

Summer holiday reflections

So this summer break has been a massive learning curve for us all.  We chose to stay home, in Bangkok for the summer break and do some local trips instead, taking advantage of the long weekends that Marc has had during the last couple of months as he wasn’t taking any annual leave this summer.  This is partly because he is super busy with his new role, and partly because we want to save up those annual leave days for trips further abroad and for times like Christmas, and partly because we thought it was too soon to return to Brisbane after only leaving Australia in February.

What we didn’t realise is that Bangkok becomes almost completely void of all expats who have school aged children over the summer break.  More importantly and more impactful on our lives, was the fact that all our newly made friends were leaving Thailand for most of the break.

The Clowns were tired.  I mean, really exhausted, by the time the school year ended in mid-June.  Starting at a new school in a new country was taxing on everyone.  I get it.  I lived it with them.  They were totally happy hanging out at home, swimming, playing on their Xbox or iPads and generally doing a whole load of not much.  While I fully recognise that they needed the down time, this didn’t suit me for very long, however.  I had plans!  I had ideals as to what the summer break was going to look like!  I wanted to DO stuff with the Clowns!

I thought we would go and hang out at the park and feed the turtles, go to the movies, try out any activities in the many shopping centres, visit friends that were still in the city, hang out by the pool, try some new cafes, sleep in, go to the beach, have a couple of short breaks away from the city….  You get my drift.  I actually thought these summer holidays would be similar to summer break in Queensland.

But nope.  No.  Not even remotely excited by any prospects, all three Clowns didn’t want to do ANYTHING.  It was too hot (agreed), it was raining (well, yeah it’s the rainy season), there was no one left to do anything with (OK, but we can still do stuff), everything they wanted to do was super expensive (we do not have unlimited funds, to their utmost disgust), we want to play online with our friends (both local and O/S), we can just order Food Panda and watch movies (well yes, but not every day), we don’t want to walk that far or try and work out how we are going to get from A to B (I completely agree with this one.  I think I’ve got Transport Logistic Fatigue.  Yes, I made that up.  Yes, I’m sure it’s a real thing.  Yes, it’s going to totally catch on).

It’s hard to argue with them when they have pretty decent arguments…  And when I don’t have rebuttal at the ready, I lose!

Fast forward to today… It is now exactly one week until school starts for the 18/19 year.  I have been looking back at my trusty Google calendar, attempting to reassure myself that these guys haven’t been sat inside on screens for eight weeks…

Things we did do:

  • Spent four days in Phuket, catching up with Brisbane friends
  • Continued Thursday Club (pizza and wine at alternating friends’ houses) while TC people were still in Bangkok
  • Went to a cooking class where they made cupcakes from scratch and then learnt how to use fondant and pipe buttercream icing
  • went to Bounce
  • Spent three days in Pattaya
  • went to FlowHouse and rode the man made waves
  • had lunch with Marc in at his office
  • went to Amped Tramp park
  • spent some time with a new-to-Bangkok Aussie family
  • played with kids who were still in Bangkok on various play dates
  • walked to our favourite bakery and had morning tea (several times)
  • went to the movies
  • had friends over for a swim
  • had movie days at home

Things we didn’t do:

  • visit the Neilson Hays library
  • do any weekday trips further out of the city
  • shopping for school supplies
  • visit some local wats
  • visit any new parks
  • find any free/low cost school aged activities

Looking at it in list form, it doesn’t look too boring… But honestly, these three are more than happy to stay home and read, watch movies, colour in, play board games, and have screen time.  They really don’t want to have to work out how to get anywhere, and that is our main issue here in Bangkok.  We can’t just jump in a car and GO!

In hindsight, we probably should have just bitten the bullet and spent a few weeks back in Brisbane without Marc.  There’s always next summer break to get in more ‘right’ 🙂


An open letter to the Clown’s teachers

Last Friday was the end of the school year for all three Clowns – again!  They seem to have clocked up several months holiday for 2018 already…  And now they have their summer holidays stretching out for two months in front of them.  Tough life, right?!

It’s been an interesting year already, not to mention disruptive and full of hurdles.  They are all looking forward to this break before starting school again in August!

We have been so lucky to have amazing teachers this year and I wanted to let them know just how much we appreciate their dedication and care.  It was harder than I thought, to put into words just how much Marc and I are thankful for these teachers that have helped to shape the Clown’s perception and expectation of what international schooling can look like.

Dear Mr S, Miss J and Miss N,

Parenting and teaching are tough, sometimes thankless jobs.  We make decisions daily, and hope that we are making the right ones for our children.  We trust our gut, and hope that we are teaching them to be good people.  But the results won’t be measurable for a few years to come, while we watch and wait for them to grow.

It’s hard to express how grateful we are, as parents, to know we have made a decision that is proving to be tangibly good.  That we have the opportunity to see, almost immediately, the effects of our decision to hand our kids over to you and the staff at AISB.  It’s an amazing thing to witness.

Thank you for taking our children under your wings and helping them enjoy coming to school everyday.  All three Harvey kids are sad to be leaving your classrooms today.  But you have prepared them well and they are looking forward to what their next years at AISB will bring.

Everyday they come home with great stories about their friends, what’s happening in their classes and what they have learnt, confirming for us that we made the right decision to enrol them at AISB.  For this, Marc and I cannot thank you all enough.

Moving countries, changing schools, and having to cope with so much disruption hasn’t been easy over the last six months, but you have helped make the schooling component of that change so much more positive and just better.  Better than we had expected.  Better than the kids thought it would be.  Better than we all imagined.

Thank you so very much.

Owen and Ella backstage at the end of year concert
Reuben receiving an award at assembly

It has been a thoroughly challenging first six months of 2018 for the Harvey Clowns…  That’s probably an understatement, if you asked them!  They have each taken their individual challenges in their stride, and we couldn’t be more proud of the way they have handled themselves in so many new situations this year already!

The second half of 2018 brings even more change and challenges, which I’m sure they will grab and run with!


On Vegemite scrolls and balls made into squares

This rainy weekend, I decided to try a couple of new recipes for snacks and lunches for the Clowns for the coming week.

Firstly, this bread recipe from The Road to Loving my Thermo Mixer, which I made into Vegemite and cheese scrolls.  I also made a few with tomato sauce, Italian herb mix and some grated cheese.  Just for a bit of a change from the Vegemite.  Definitely a winner, but will use pizza sauce for a bit of extra zing next time!


Secondly, I tried these Honey and Almond Energy Balls from Make It Fake It Bake It.  Except I was super lazy.  I make it into a slice and cut it into bite size squares instead of rolling out little balls.  I also didn’t add the almonds to the mix, we have one Clown who doesn’t like almonds.  I just added them to the top of half the ‘slice’ so everyone was happy happy joy joy!  Winning!!

On a serious note….  I haven’t been able to stop eating this stuff.  It’s just the right about of peanut buttery sweetness and that pop of crunch… Ahhhhhmazing!!!  And too easy not to make!

IMG_2284 IMG_2288


This Bacon Jam is one recipe that is on my To Try list….  mmmm Bacon Jam…  Seriously delicious!  Like, spoon out with your finger from the jar type deliciousness….  Am I drooling?  Probably….!!

Have you got any recipes, Thermomix friendly or not, for me to try out?  I am always on the look out for lunchbox friendly and freezable things for the kids that aren’t too terrible for them 🙂

M xo